Let Christie show you how you can achieve your Health + Wellness goals, learn more here! Every woman can live a balanced lifestyle but it takes a commitment to planning your schedule on a regular basis. Did you know that living a healthy, balanced lifestyle comes from your daily habits? For example, what you eat, how often you exercise, how much you sleep and how you manage stress effects your daily life.

What does 60 look like? What does any age look like? Whatever you want it to look like! As I get ready to turn 60 years old soon, I have found over the years in the health industry, most women face the same wellness struggles in their 20’s, 30’s, 40’s, 50’s, 60’s + beyond. Because living a balanced lifestyle is the cornerstone of your well-being; as it effects your health, your work life, your personal life; and you are the only one who can make this a priority. Let me help you achieve your health + wellness goals, you can learn more here.


” Ready . Set . Let’s Go ! ” Christie
“Let me share some inspirational quotes & quick tips on what you can do to feel inspired to start, maintain and keep a healthy lifestyle.” Christie