Living a Balanced Lifestyle is the Key to Living a Life Full of Health + Wellness

Because it can get confusing with advice & opinions from books, friends & family advice, experts, etc. I am going to keep my tips for achieving health + fitness goals simple. As I believe when the goals are easier to follow and manageable to attain, your success rate goes way up! Now all these goals might not be suited for you, or you might already be doing them. So, read through the list below and customize it to best fit your needs in achieving your health + fitness goals.
Top 10 FitFab Health + Wellness Tips
- DetoxMe first thing in the morning – Drink a big glass of water (preferably lemon water) as soon as you wake up. This aids in healthy digestion, plus Vitamin C is great for your immune system. Also it acts as a detoxifying agent and helps maintain the pH balance of your body.
- NotifyMe & keep me accountable – Sunday night (or whatever works best for you) schedule your workout days/times on your calendar. Then the night before, set your phone alarm to go off 15 minutes (or more depending if you are driving to gym/studio) before your workout to keep you accountable for your workouts.
- ClotheMe for simplicity – Lay out your workouts clothes, have your gym bag packed, music downloaded, watch/air pods charged, etc. the night before so there is no excuses for getting your workout done or forgetting something.
- SnackMe for energy – pre plan healthy snacks for the day to keep your energy level high, plus it simplifies your decisions for food choosing. Some of my favorite snacks: apple + nut butter, yogurt + fresh fruit, popped popcorn + nuts, protein shake, veggies + hummus, fresh fruit + cheese.
- GreenMe for vitamins & antioxidants – eat or drink your greens every single day. If I don’t eat a salad, then I will make a green smoothie with fresh spinach, coconut water, fresh lemon juice, chopped apple and frozen fruit!
- FeedMe what your body needs, not what it wants – when planning meals, fill your plate mostly with lean proteins, fruits & veggies. Then add very small portions of healthy fats, and complex carbs. Keep desserts for special occasions only. Link here for Healthy + Simple Meals Made in Minutes for some ideas.
- ExerciseMe for a healthier, leaner, stronger you – by picking one of these workouts: weight training, yoga, pilates, biking, hiking, swimming, running, etc. And if you’re exercising at home or at the gym and need some ideas, then link to my 50+ workouts that can be done almost anywhere! * Also ladies make sure you are doing weight training 2-3 times a week with weight bearing activities. As this will keep your bones stronger and help prevent osteoporosis.
- StretchMe for flexibility, better digestion, stress-release, improved posture. Grab a yoga mat and stretch your body daily. Link here for my Stretching Exercises.
- WaterMe for hydration, digestion and fullness. As drinking water throughout the day will keep your body running smoothly & digestion more regular. Plus many times your body is not hungry, but dehydrated. So fill up on water first, before eating any food.
- RestMe for recovery – as your body needs 7-8 hours sleep every night. Also, it is easier to commit to wise choices when your mind and body are fully rested. Trouble sleeping? Find ways to relax before bed, like; hot bath, meditation, reading, stretching, etc.
So what happens now? First, print out these Top 10 Tips for easy reminders throughout the day. Then get ready to achieve your health + fitness goals! First write down your short-term goals; like what you want to accomplish this week. Then each week thereafter, see what works and what might need more improvement. Then re-adjust where needed and keep moving forward. Yes, there will be some set backs; but don’t let that discourage you from moving forward each day towards a healthy and fit YOU!
Are you trying to lose those stubborn extra pounds or want to learn how to eat healthier? Or, maybe you have never exercised or have no interest in joining a gym and looking for ways to workout at home or on the road? Let me help YOU by answering some questions about fitness, nutrition or maybe you just need some motivation! As there are 3 main areas that work to benefit a healthy lifestyle!
Exercise . never a punishment, but a reward you give to yourself for your body and mind every day.

Nutrition . everything you eat will work for or against your body, so choosing nutritious food is always the first step towards a lifelong health transformation. Below is a Health + Wellness Meal Guide to choosing the healthiest, most nutrient dense foods to choose from on a daily basis!

Attitude . become personally in charge of your attitude every day and you will have the opportunity to feel stronger, vibrant and more confident.

Building Muscle Burns Fat
By adding strength training to your workout routine, you will build muscle and then your body becomes more metabolically active. Also, carrying around additional muscle will burn calories ……… even when you sleep.
Muscle burns more calories than fat & muscle takes up less space than fat; so, once you begin to build more muscle, the excess weight will has a chance to melt off and reveal a more toned body!
WHY is my body NOT Changing?
When your body hits a plateau and you are no longer making progress, it will be the small changes that will actually yield big results. Overtraining and calorie restriction is a combination that stops progress. Too much work with too little food signals the metabolism to slow down to conserve energy. You must add strength training to your workout, while continually changing up your routine to keep your body in a constant state of shock. This requires the body to work harder, which will burn fat, while building muscle!
Change up your routine and exercise equipment to see changes!
Here are some types of workouts that will be shown in my blog to help YOU get a variety in your workout! KETTLE BELL . MEDICINE BALL . BOXING . SLIDERS . BALLET BARRE . HIIT . SUSPENSION TRAINING . WATER FITNESS . STRETCHES . WEIGHTS . BOSU BALL . WEIGHTED BAR . RESISTANCE TUBES . RESISTANCE BANDS . ETC.
Some of the 50+ Benefits of Exercise (still so many more!)
stronger bones
help reduce cancer
reduce blood pressure
boost immune system
sounder sleep
more energy
less risk of cardiovascular disease
lower body fat
lean sculpted muscles
happier mood
less stress
more self-confidence
more radiant skin
decreased mortality
These are just a few of the many positive changes exercising can have on your daily life!
“What you
EAT determines the
SIZE of your body,
how much you
STRENGTH TRAIN determines the
SHAPE of your body.” Christie
Please read this disclaimer before you perform any exercises from this website .
DISCLAIMER: By using our website, you agree to the terms and conditions of our health disclaimer. All information is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment. You should always consult a physician before beginning any exercise program to determine what is appropriate for your health. If you experience any pain or difficulty with any of these exercises, stop and consult your healthcare provider.
(Bottom Picture) older item, no longer available