Wellness is defined as an “active pursuit of activities, choices & lifestyle that lead to optimal health“. If it sounds so simple, why do so many women struggle to find a balanced, healthy lifestyle that leads to wellness? Because so many women are busy, stressed, confused, overworked and needing a simplified, but effective way to live a healthy life for themselves, and their families.
As a Certified Personal Trainer for 11 years, and with my own personal training business, I found that many women would still struggle with knowing how to overcome many of their other health challenges. And this is why, I became a Certified Health + Wellness Coach plus a Certified Nutrition Coach too. Because it is so important to look at every aspect of your life to gain the greatest health benefits for your body, mind & soul.
What does 60 look like? What does any age look like? Whatever you want it to look like! As I turn 60 years old soon, I have found over the years in the health industry, most women face the same wellness struggles in their 20’s, 30’s, 40’s, 50’s, 60’s + beyond.
Do you resonate with any of these struggles:
- Weight Gain/Loss
- Healthy Eating: Meals, Meal Planning, Grocery Shopping
- Business/Personal Travel: Learning how to stay healthy on the road
- Stress & Anxiety
- Work/Life Balance: Trying to fit time for your health + wellness needs
- Fitness + Exercise: What to do, when to do it and how to get the best results
- Sleep + Relaxation
- Lacking Energy
As your Health + Wellness Coach, I can teach you how to overcome many of these struggles and achieve the balanced lifestyle you are looking for.
What does this program look like:
- Personalized Lifestyle Assessment (Determine what your health challenges are)
- Unique Needs + Goals Determined (Personalized Nutrition, Fitness & Wellness Plan)
- Simplified Plan of Action with Proven Successful Tools (13+ years of experience)
- Ongoing Progress Tracking with Modifications to Obtain Best Results (This is a partnership)
Are you ready to make a change? As sometimes, it takes a coach to give us guidance, direction, encouragement, accountability and positive feedback to help us achieve our goals. So if you think you might be interested, fill out the form below, email me (Christie@FitFabForever.com) with any questions and then we can set up an appointment to chat and see if we would be a good fit together! As I love helping women feel more confident in living a more balanced life.
In Person + Online Coaching Sessions / Your Choice

“As I believe we are in this together, so let’s celebrate what we have, work for what we want and challenge ourselves to new things!” – Christie
in health + happiness,
Christie , Certified Health + Wellness Coach, Certified Nutrition Coach, Certified Personal Trainer, Peloton Field Tester