“Abs are Made in the Kitchen” + Other Fitness Myths!
Do you think “Abs are Made in the Kitchen”? And do you know what “The Secret to Weight Loss” is?
So the short answer to this question is no; but there is some truth to it too! And that is why I am focusing on some of the biggest misconceptions being made this time of year. As there is so many fitness myths on social media and written publications about health. And many times, the information is about quick weight loss and very unrealistic too. Also, more than 50% of women are trying to find ways to lose weight or live a healthier life. Well, actually this happens all year long; but most women focus on their fitness & health in January. So, let me uncover some of the greatest fitness myths now.
Fitness Myths about Your Health
As the new year begins; here are just a few of the fitness myths written in articles & social media posts that you are begin exposed to.
- “The Secret to Weight Loss”. As I am sure you know there is not 1 big secret to weight loss, it is actually a combination of things. So, do not focus on one aspect; but instead working towards a few things. For example, clean eating with portion control, exercising 3 – 5 days a week and learning to love and then live this healthy lifestyle. Because when the mind accepts this positive change, the body begins to respond.
- “Intermittent Fasting is the Key to Weight Loss”. Now there is some positive aspects of “fasting” or shall I say not eating from dinner time to breakfast. As during this time period, our bodies get a chance to digest, heal and actually burn calories. So, plan your meals (healthy & small ones, please) about 5 to 6 times a day, and from sun up to sun down. And when you eat be mindful and intuitive about what you are putting into your mouth. Because it will ultimately effect your body positively or negatively.
- “Everything in Moderation”. Well, this is true to a degree, but do you really know what moderation is? As a personal trainer, I have found that to be different to everyone! And I find this can become an excuse to eat more than acceptable unhealthy foods, plus larger quantities. So instead, it is better to focus on the 80/20 rule. As when you eat really healthy (clean eating) 80% of the time; then you can allow yourself some food/drink splurges the remaining 20%. But do not go overboard. Then you can live a healthy lifestyle that is realistic, attainable and not looking for perfection.
- “Strength Training will Make You Big”. Did you know that when you strength train, your heart rate increases? And when you build muscle mass it helps burn more calories in your body, even at rest! Plus, another great benefit is it’s a fabulous way to re-shape the body and lose weight. So, don’t ever shy away from weights/strength training as you will see amazing results! Also, try to incorporate it 3 to 4 times a week in your fitness planning.
- “The More Workouts You do the Better”. So this is when our bodies can approach the burn-out stage if not careful. And when we burn too many calories exercising (or not eating enough food), there is a tendency to overeat! As I know I used to when I was doing too many HIIT workouts. Also, overtraining can cause exhaustion and eventually lack of interest. Plus, it is so important to rest between workouts (so our bodies can recover) and then on the workout days our bodies are ready to really give it our all! So don’t burn out, instead bring balance into your life.
- “Abs are Made in the Kitchen”. So what you eat or not eat will determine your weight, but only to a degree. If you have ever heard of a women described as “skinny fat”, that usually happens when they under eat for their body with no exercise (muscle weighs more than fat). And yes you may see their abs; but it is not a healthy way to live. So instead of concentrating on seeing six-pack abs (and yes that is possible to do in a healthy way too) but it is better to do it with eating clean, high fiber, low sodium, low sugar foods with tons of water. And when you do that, in addition to regular exercise, you can obtain lean + strong ab muscles.
When you seek perfection it will always set you up to fail. Therefore, it is so much more important to find balance in our eating, exercise & working to obtain a healthy lifestyle. As there is no perfect formula or secret to the healthiest body ever, as each of us are uniquely made. So, I challenge you to be in tune to your body and with a healthy mindset to see what works for YOU! And do not let the media and social media dictate what is right for you, as only you know what works for your body and your mind.
in health + happiness, Christie
Very well said!!! A lifestyle for the long haul!❤️
Thank you so much!💗 And you are so right Peggy, it’s a lifestyle, never a fad!
Just wanted to point out a silly thing people say all the time but it’s not correct. “muscle weighs more than fat”. A pound of muscle and a pound of fat weigh the exact same. What you (and others who mistakenly use that sentence) mean is fat has much more volume than muscle, hence muscle is much more dense and compact. I think it would be helpful to show a pound of fat next to a pound of muscle to compare the size/volume difference. Visual difference often speak louder than words. I’ve seen photos of women who overall lose very little weight from beginning to their end but the big difference is that they lost fat and gained/toned muscle. Sometimes I also see people writing that they want to turn fat to muscle, which is impossible. Fat is fat and muscle is muscle. What most of us women want is to lose/shrink the fat and gain or tone the muscle. We will physically look smaller and thinner because the muscle in dense and takes up less room.
You always look amazing.
Hi Laura! Thank you so much for your very informative reply! Yes you are absolutely right, muscle does weigh more than fat, hence why so many of us can weigh more, but our clothes fit better! I appreciate you sharing this information, as I totally agree with what you are sharing!