What I do when the hotel gym is closed for renovation!
I get creative with my workout!
Let me show you a gym that is open 24/7 and never closes. So, come along with me and see what I did for my workout in downtown Chicago. As the hotel gym was closed for renovation; therefore, it was time to get creative with an outside workout. Plus being outside in the cold brisk air was a fabulous way to bring variety to my workout and enjoy a beautiful fall day.
Learning to Be F L E X I B L E !
So I have learned when a planned activity, like going to the hotel gym doesn’t go according to plan; then it’s time to be flexible. As most of you know, I am an Arizona girl, so I thought it might be too cold outside to workout! But, instead I found the workout invigorating, challenging, plus there was beautiful scenery to look at. And since I was doing the workout solo (as my hubby was working) and I could not get my selfie’s to reflect what I was doing; I captured the piece of “equipment” I used instead. As this was a much easier (and more focused) way to capture my outdoor workout!
24/7 W O R K O U T that can be Done Anywhere!
Also you can intensify this workout for a more advanced level or lower the level for a beginner. Because with any of these objects below, there is flexibility to customize it to fit your needs. So, determine what type of workout you desire and then pick any, or all of the pieces of “equipment” below ⤵️.
T R A I L ▶️ Walk, Run, Bike
This is a great place to do some cardio in your workout. As you can walk, run, bike ride (every major city offer bike rentals) and then pick a pace that will challenge you, but also attainable. Plus, if you are ready to intensify, then I suggest doing interval training. As you can do this by going at a fast pace for 30 seconds, then lower your pace for 60 seconds. Then continue to do this throughout your workout. Because when you do this type of interval training, you will burn more calories and lessen the amount of time to complete it.
S T A I R S ▶️ Run, Sprints, Fast Walk
Anytime there is a form of elevation in your workout, your heart rate will increase. As stairs is one of the easiest ways to intensify any fitness level. But, be cautious and keep your eyes on the stairs so you do not trip or fall. Also, it does not matter how many steps there are, as you can increase the distance by going upstairs and downstairs.
W A L L ▶️ Step Up + so much more
Now you might look at this wall and think, is there really anything I can do to include this in my workout? Well, I think you will be surprised to know that this is a great place to use for step ups. But, there are many other exercises to do here too. If you need some ideas, then link here to my Hawaii Hit the Wall Workout for other wall exercises.
B E N C H ▶️ Pushups, Elevated Lunges, Tricep Dip
Now I want you to think of the benches as more of a way to get incline exercises done. As you can place your hands on the bench and perform pushups. And if you really want to intensify this, place your feet on the bench and hands on the ground to do a pushup! Then you could also place your back foot on the bench and face outwards towards the sidewalk and do lunges. Also, you could use this bench as a step up/step down exercise. Plus, it’s great for tricep dips. Just place your hands on the bench behind you , with fingertips facing towards to the sidewalk and dip.
I N C L I N E ▶️ Walk, Run, Lunges
So when you add any form of an incline, like this path, you can easily intensify your workout. As one of the fastest ways to get your heart rate up is to walk or run up something similar to this. Also, this is a great place to do walking lunges. But, make sure to keep your eyes in front of you and do not look around; as this could throw off your balance too much. Although a little bit of “safe” (sturdy object near by) imbalance is a great core exercise.
G R A S S ▶️ burpees, mountain climbers, pushups, squats + so much more
As you can imagine, the grass is a great place to do most any type of exercise that you would do on the floor. For example, burpees, mountain climbers, squats, pushups, planks, etc. can all be done on the grass. And the only thing required is your own body weight!
F L O O R ▶️ hotel floor or any flat surface will do for stretching
As with all other workouts, I think it is important to finish with stretching. Now it was too chilly for me to stretch outside; but it could be done. So, instead I preferred to go back to the hotel and stretch on the floor. And I put a towel down too, as I know there are so many dirty feet that have walked on that carpet!
V A R I E T Y: is always great for the body + mind !
So, next time you have planned your day for a gym workout; but something unexpected comes up to prevent you from getting to the gym (hotel or not), take it outdoors. As that is the only gym that is open 24/7 (but I do not suggest going out at dark by yourself) and it sure is a fabulous way to see the sights. Also, my body felt so invigorated afterwards and my mind was clearer from all the fresh air. So, seek variety and get ready to reap the rewards!
in health + happiness, Christie
Love it! Trainers at my gym actually take people outside to do just as you suggested in this post!
I love it too! An outdoor workout whenever I can is always so refreshing and invigorating . . . especially when its cold!
Christie so many good ideas for those traveling and to be flexible in all things 🙏. So proud of you ❤️
You are so right! And the older I get the more flexible I become! Ah thank you so much 💗