One simple way to intensify a cardio workout & burn more calories
is to add a medicine ball!
The added weight of a medicine ball can take a cardio workout from efficient to over-the-top calorie burning. During my own workouts, when I add a medicine ball to the exercises below, my heart rate jumps up so much higher. This in turn, brings a workout into a HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) which will burn fat and calories much more efficiently during your workout, but also continue burning fat afterwards. The torching of calories continue to create an after burn even when you stop exercising.
There are so many great uses of a medicine ball, from a cardio workout, lower body workout, upper body workout, even core workout. Below, is a cardio workout, showing you ways to incorporate the medicine ball into your home or gym workout. Get ready to feel the intensity and burn extra calories; and the best part, it doesn’t take a lot of time to complete this workout. A shorter duration with higher intensity will always be a more productive way to complete a fat burning cardio workout. For your convenience, link below, if you need to purchase a medicine ball.
Equipment: Medicine Ball (4 lb. beginner, 6 lb. intermediate, 8 lb. advanced)
Do: 4 sets of 20 reps.
Frequency: 2 times a week
Medicine Ball Cardio Workout
Wood chop :
Stand with your feet a little more than shoulder width apart. Grab the medicine ball and bend your knees while rotating at your hips. Keep your chest up and shoulders back, then twist and take the medicine ball to the opposite side while extending your legs. This is a fast, yet controlled movement. Repeat on other side after completing the full set.
Squat + Lift :
Stand with your feet a little more than shoulder width apart. Grab the medicine ball and squat while keeping your booty pushed backwards, while keeping the ball at chest level. Also, keep your chest up and shoulders back, then extend the ball up overhead while straightening your legs and arms. Although, this is a fast movement, keep it controlled.
Skaters :
Holding the medicine ball while keeping your chest upright and core tight. Then begin to skate (think of skating on ice) by pushing off to the right foot and keeping left foot elevated. Then quickly jump back to opposite foot, like you are skating, by bringing the medicine ball to each side. Move quickly side to side without stopping if possible.
You are 1/2 way through your calorie burning + fat burning workout, keep going!
Twist + Rotate :
Stand with your feet slightly more than shoulder width apart, while extending one leg out straight. Grab the medicine ball and bend your opposite knee and lower ball with straight arms to the ground. Keep your chest up and shoulders back, then twist and take the medicine ball to the opposite side while extending your opposite leg. This is a fast, yet controlled movement. Repeat on other side after completing the full set.
Tick Tock :
Hold the medicine ball while keeping your chest upright and core tight. Remember to keep the ball in tight against your core, with elbows are bent. Bend one knee while extending the other leg out straight. Then quickly jump (or think of a tick-tock move) from one foot to the next foot. Move quickly side to side without stopping if possible.
Lower + Elevate :
Bend at your waist while keeping your booty pushed back and lower medicine ball completely to the ground. Keep your chest elevated, head neutral and core tight. Then raise the ball and extend completely overhead in a quick yet controlled movement. Return to starting position, making sure to touch the ground each time with the ball. (If you can not touch the ball to the ground, get as close as you can.)
All Done and Feeling the Benefits!
That’s it! Now you too can intensify your cardio workout with a medicine ball. I promise you will get your heart pumping, your legs and arms will also get a fabulous workout + your core will gain additional sculpting benefits. So get ready to feel your body get stronger, leaner and sweaty! 🙂

“I know you can do this, keep your mind strong and positive . . . remember you can achieve whatever you set your mind to! ” – Christie
Christie, “your personal trainer to Get Fit & Stay Fit”
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