Going on Vacation . Went on Vacation . Or just need to Detox?
Goodbye Maui . . . . Hello Detox! Life is all about balance and gaining knowledge about ways to keep your body in balance during certain times in your life is so important. When preparing to go on vacation or retuning from vacation (or even after the holidays) I have found the best ways to detox my body. I use the word detox loosely, as I don’t have a formal detoxing kit that I buy, but my own detox system that has worked for me. Bringing balance back to my body via exercise, fluids and foods is what has always worked best for me and many other women.
When I am on vacation or during the holidays, I enjoy all the festivities, foods and drinks. I have always felt that keeping things in moderation during this time is best, but I also know that when I get home or vacation is over, I will get very strict with my body again. While I was in Maui recently, I did exercise (not as regular as when at home) and ate pretty healthy food (most of the time); but now I feel my body is in need of structure and some detox to get back on track. Do you ever feel that way?
Here is what I have done to detox that works for me! The best ways to detox my body and gain my strength and “health” back is getting back to the basics of great health.
Christie’s Best ways to Detox:
✔️Lemon water. I cut a fresh lemon in quarters and add to my water. I squeeze the fresh lemon juice into a glass of room temperature water and try to get the pulp in there too. I drink a full glass of water first thing in the morning before I eat or drink anything else. Then I drink the water throughout the day. You will be amazed how much better your body will digest food, your skin hydrated and your bowels more regular.
1 BENEFITS: inexpensive. Loaded with Vit C + potassium, magnesium & copper. Aids in digestion (lemon juice is similar to juice found in stomach; therefore, keeps foods moving in your system). Assists in detox (lemon juice benefits the enzyme functions in your body, stimulating the liver & flushing out toxins).
✔️Green Tea. Sorry coffee lovers, but I truly believe that green tea is the best for our bodies! When I am at home, I drink green tea almost every morning (organic only). When I travel, I do drink coffee or latte sometimes, as most places do not carry good/organic green tea plus, I do enjoy a special latte every once in awhile. When I do drink my tea instead of coffee, I can tell a huge difference. I always get more dehydrated with coffee and the caffeine bothers my head and bowels more. Green tea keeps me calmer, more relaxed and I don’t get as dehydrated.
2 BENEFITS: protect heart health (the flavonoids signal cells to lower inflammation). Stress relief (antioxidants may protect brain from oxidative stress). Insulin resistance (may improve glycemic control and help normalize blood sugar levels). Promote bone health (has shown to stimulate an enzyme that promotes bone health). May reduce appetite (the catechins may promote metabolic health and modesty prevent weight gain).
✔️Protein (lean). Maintaining a diet rich in lean protein keeps me filling fuller so I don’t fill up on unhealthy items or carbs as much. Almost every morning, I drink a whey protein smoothie after I workout. Again during the day, I try to make sure each meal I consume some sort of lean protein; like eggs, greek yogurt, beans & nut butters or lean organic chicken.
Not a big meat eater? I am not a big meat eater too and I do not eat red meat; so when traveling it’s not always easy to find healthy nut butters , protein smoothies, greek yogurts, or even lean fish in Maui. Yes, thats true. One night for dinner, I did special order a local fish grilled (without all the special sauces & nuts) with steamed veggies and rice. Even in Maui, they have amazing local fish, but so many of the dishes are loaded with fatty sauces and such.
3 BENEFITS: assist to maintain and lose weight. Stabilize blood sugar levels. Boost energy levels. Support bones and muscles. Support the absorption of nutrients.
✔️Alcohol limiting or No Alcohol. While on vacation, Tom and I do enjoy having a glass of wine at dinner and many times during lunch too. And in Maui, enjoying a Mai Tai was also a fun part of our day or night. While vacationing, we do drink more alcoholic beverages than we normally do and those are just extra empty calories for our bodies. We totally enjoy them while away from home; but as soon as we get home we cut way back on our alcohol consumption or any beverages with empty calories. My favorite drink besides water is water or soda water with fresh squeezed citrus. It’s refreshing and good for you.
4 BENEFITS of healthy liver: responsible for digestion food. Spring energy. Removing toxins from your body.
✔️Regular Exercise. When I am on vacation I always exercise, as it is such an important part of my daily routine. But, I do not always get my regular intense workout done and that’s ok. I love to enjoy all that the area offers and because the weather was so nice, I tried to get my exercising done outside. I brought my resistance bands with me and did some workouts outside and also in my hotel room one day. (Get ready for my post showing my workout with the bands!) But most importantly, I had the chance to walk almost every morning along the beach with some wonderful friends. Thank you Diane, Carol, Connie and Karen for the great walks. Being able to exercise + enjoy the company of great friends + beautiful scenery always equals a fun workout! Here are some workouts you can do at home or on the road.
5 BENEFITS: weight loss. Bones stronger. Body leaner. Sleep better. Reduce blood pressure. Stronger heart. Healthier bones.
A balanced life is one that is created and one that I believe brings the greatest joy in my life. I truly do love going on vacation with Tom and our kids and enjoying all the area has to offer with foods, drinks and culture. I don’t feel guilty about the foods I eat or the beverages I drink or maybe the workout I did not get done. When I am on vacation, or even during the holidays, I always try to enjoy the moment. But, when I get home, then it’s time to detox. Nothing crazy or unhealthy, I just follow along with my “best ways to detox” my body and in a week I am feeling like myself again and my clothes fitting better, sleeping better and skin glowing. So my advice is to enjoy the vacations, the holidays, special family gatherings, etc. but just remember when you get home you need to get back on track and detox, that is what I call balance!
“BALANCE is not something you find, it’s something you create.” – Jana Kingsford

“Enjoying my life by finding balance!”
Christie , “your personal trainer to Get Fit & Stay Fit”
Great ideas and beautiful pics, Christie! This is how I “detox” too. What kind of organic green tea do you like?
Thank you Julie 💗! Awesome, I love hearing what other do for their detox! As for my tea 🍵, my favorite is Yogi Organic Green Tea Kombucha! What is your favorite?