Take aim and crush your commitment
for a healthier, stronger, fitter you in the new year.
Did you know that every New Year most women start off the year by wanting to change their bodies in a way to improve their health? The most common resolution is to “stay fit & healthy” and second most common is to “lose weight”. Both of these goals are wonderful ways to keep your body healthy; but how about NOT making it a New Years Resolution, but a daily commitment to living a healthy lifestyle? I am ready to help you crush your commitment to a healthy new year!
Top Ways to Crush Your Commitment:
Why it’s important to make it a lifestyle! First of all, surveys show that over 90% of women do not keep their resolutions, because they view it as a short-term not a long-term commitment. I would love to see exercise become a regular part of your daily life that gets planned just like all of your other events & activities. And you do not need to plan hours in a day to workout; you only need to commit 30 to 60 minutes maximum to get a workout done.
“Wake up and get ready to take one step forward to crush your commitment.”
Are you ready to get started and hold yourself accountable?
1️⃣First, you must be realistic, as I find most women can easily manage to exercise 3 to 4 times a week for 30 minutes. Over time you can always increase your days and/or times, but this is a very realistic goal to start with.
2️⃣Second, I encourage you to write down specifically what days you will exercise. Look at your calendar and block out the day and time for your workouts each week. Also, you can print my fitness tracker below to chart your workouts.
What if you don’t like going to the gym or don’t know what exercises to do?
▶️Go to my FitFabForever blog, to find 50➕ workouts that can be done at home, at the gym, in a hotel, outside at the park or even at your office. Hence, you can workout where you feel most motivated, comfortable and a place you can truly commit too.
What should you do now to crush your commitment?
✅Get your calendar out and mark 3 or 4 days in a week and the time for your workouts for the next 4 weeks. Then, print 4 of the fitness trackers below so you can check off ✔️ what workouts you have completed, so you will work every part of your body!
✅Finally, reward yourself! YES, it’s important to reward yourself with something small that is enticing to motivate you to achieve your new workout goal for the first few weeks. So, maybe buy a new workout outfit, athletic shoes, headphones, etc. once you accomplish the first 4 weeks of workouts. Now, exercising will start to become a habit and part of your lifestyle. In addition, you will feel stronger, sleep better, your clothes fit better and you won’t want to stop your new found habit!
A New Series on Gut Health Coming Directly to You!
You will be shocked if you are not familiar with the importance of a healthy gut! Everything positively or negatively begins in your gut and will affect your entire body. I personally have found revealing information about my own gut, like food intolerances, I never knew I had. There is a lack of knowledge and understanding about the importance of gut health; so that is why I am thrilled to have an amazing, certified nurse practitioner share her knowledge with me about gut health. Furthermore, on a regular basis, then I will be sharing this information with you to help improve your gut health.
Can your gut health prevent you from losing weight? Your gut help or hinder you in losing weight, de-bloating, hormone balance, allergies and many things that are causes inflammation by the gut. When our bodies are inflamed it will effect our entire body.
Mayo Clinic article on Gut Health:
“The good bacteria in the gut microbiota have numerous roles including. 1. Metabolizing nutrients and drugs. 2. Aiding the immune system to prevent pathogen invasion. 3. Maintaining the structure and function of the gastrointestinal tract
However, the gut microbiota often harbors less helpful bacteria, too. Researchers have connected an imbalance in good and bad bacteria with disorders such as arthritis, irritable bowel disease, obesity, cancer and depression. Yet, age, genetics, diet, environment and lifestyle all appear to influence the kinds of bacteria that make up the microbiome. While you can’t control all of those, your diet and lifestyle choices (smoking, drinking, exercise, and so on) can give an advantage to one side or the other, especially over the long term.”
Don’t miss out on any facts, tips and suggestions about gut health!
🔆FitFabForever subscribers will be emailed all the gut health updates on a regular basis. You will definitely want to be a subscriber, if you want to receive any updates on gut health; therefore, you will need to subscribe below to be included on this email list ⬇️
Email me Gut Health updates and information throughout the year to help achieve a healthier & fitter YOU! Your “New Gut” is going to make you feeling amazing “from the inside out” and you will love the way you feel. Get ready for some amazing knowledge on “Gut Health” in this new series.
Christie, “your personal trainer to Get Fit & Stay Fit this year and beyond”
Love the pictures…….great ways to start a new year………
Thank you 😊 ……yes a nice way to focus on the new year.
I love your blog thank you for all of your helpful hints !!!!!
Thank you so much Mary, that means a lot to know you are enjoying the blog and finding great help with it too! 😊