Do you know how to intensify your workout to the next level to beat the plateau?
Have you ever challenged yourself to see what your body is capable of?
Extra calories consumed this time of year, more meals eaten and your body hitting a plateau . . . . this is why you want to intensify your workout! Over the holiday weekend I wanted to challenge myself and see what my body is capable of and I loved it! We all get comfortable in doing what we know our bodies are capable of but I challenge you to intensify your workout and find your max! You will be so surprised to see what your body can accomplish. Remember every goal you achieve no matter how big or small is success!
Do I suggest you intensify your workout every workout? NO! You should challenge yourself every couple weeks by finding your max in whatever type of workout you choose. I love working out with weights, link here for some of my workouts, so I really enjoyed doing an intense weight training and see what my “max’s” were. Any type of exercise, like swimming, running, boxing, walking, etc. you can take it to the max!
Intensify Your Workout
How did I intensify my workout? Here is what my day looked like. I would love to hear how you are going to challenge yourself and what goals you achieved! Remember anything with more weight, more weights, longer distance, faster speed is great progress. You just have to try it and see what you can do!
What a look? Yikes, I did not see this picture being taken! 🙄
Would you say I was ready to intensify? LOL! I was listening to the directions on the proper way to max out during a weight lifting workout. And form is EVERYTHING! So, workout or train with someone you know who can help you challenge yourself and who will watch your form. Thank you Todd, Tom & Alyssa for your help! It was a wonderful group effort, we all helped one another!
I did Deadlifts with 115 pounds, it was my max and my glutes, quads and hamstrings all felt it the next day. I have always done deadlifts but have never challenged myself to see how heavy I could lift and still keep proper form. This one was my favorite.
The chest press with 95 pounds was my max for the day. I was barely able to accomplish it, but I did it and knowing that my “spotter” Tom was there to spot me and grab the bar if my arms began to fail me gave me the extra confidence I needed.
Pushing the sled looks so much easier than it is. I was able to do 6 “laps” (a lap is pushing the sled back and forth in the room) with (2) 45 pound plates + the weight of the sled. I raced Tom (he had another 45 pound plate on his sled) and on the final lap and I had a great take off . . . . but Tom rocked it and flew past me and won! Theres always tomorrow!
Do you feel inspired and ready to take your challenge on? You can do whatever you set your mind to and you are going to be so proud of yourself at whatever you accomplish.
What is your sport? How can you intensify your workout? Here are some ideas.
RUNNING: Faster time to finish your run. Longer distance to finish your run. Sprint in between your run. Sprint up hills and walk down, then do it again.
SWIMMING: Faster time to swim your laps. Longer distance to finish your laps. Changing up your strokes and/or trying new strokes.
BIKING/SPINNING: Intensify your speed by pedaling faster and finish the distance at a faster pace. Bike a longer distance than you have ever done. Bike uphill while sitting on the seat and also standing while pedaling.
WALKING: Fast pace walking or longer distance walking. Fast pace walk going uphill.
Send me an email and let me know what your goal is to intensify your workout, I would love to hear from you!
Christie, “your personal trainer to Get Fit & Stay Fit”
Todd and Alyssa will love this….
Yes they will!
I’m starting tomorrow, thanks for the reminder to get out of our comfort zones!!! Great article too!!
You’re so welcome Mary! 😃 Awesome, I am so glad to hear that you appreciated my reminder! 👍