Strong . Confident . Stable/Balanced or Wimpy . Weak . Fragile/Unbalanced
Which ones best describe your body?
Are you ready to create a strong, lean and defined upper body?
Get ready, because pushups is the one exercise you should do to create a strong, confident and balanced body and you need to incorporate these into your workouts. Now before you think I can’t do pushups or I hate doing pushups, let me tell YOU why you should be doing them! YES, pushups require a lot of upper body strength. Actually when you do a pushup you are lifting 75% of your body weight…….yikes, no wonder it is not easy! BUT did you know that you also need to have a strong core to complete a pushup too?
So WHY do pushups? It is the ONE exercise that almost every athlete incorporates in their workout because it truly does work! What does it work at what, you ask? Your arms, chest, back and core all benefit and become stronger with pushups. It is the most efficient bodyweight exercise that you can do ANYWHERE! In your home, traveling on the road in your hotel room, outside; so there is no excuse for not getting it done.
Now if you are thinking you can’t do a pushup, well everyone can, but you might need to start with a beginner level and then work your way up to the infamous “men’s” pushup! Yes, every women can accomplish doing pushups, but no matter what the level. Did you know some men need help in doing pushups, so don’t be afraid and take the challenge! Start at a beginner level working up to intermediate and then finally mastering the advanced! Your arms, back, shoulders and core will be the proof of your success and you will go from fragile & weak to strong & stable.
Pushups Guide from Beginner to Advanced Level
WOMEN’S PUSHUP (beginner level)
Start in a modified plank position with your knees bent, your feet elevated and hands on mat directly under your shoulders. Begin with your arms straight, keeping your knees rested on the mat. Keep your feet suspended in the air while you slowly begin to bend your elbows and lower your chest to the mat. Maintain a tight form from your neck to your knees, then begin to press upwards, engaging your chest and core. If you struggle lowering and raising your chest to the ground, then do a 1/2 pushup and not a full extension.
Do: try to do 3 sets of 10 reps
INCLINE PUSHUP (intermediate level)
Find a sturdy chair, step, box or even the wall. The taller the surface is, the easier the movement is. Start by placing your hands on the item of choice and then keeping your shoulders back. Your core must be engaged so your body maintains a straight line from head to toe. Your arms should be straight but not locked. Slowly bend your elbows lowering your chest to whatever item you choose, while keeping your core tight. Then press upwards while continuing to keep core engaged.
Do: try 3 sets of 15 reps
ELEVATED/DECLINE PUSHUP: (intermediate/advanced)
Find a sturdy chair, step or box. The taller the platform the more work for your shoulders, chest and core. Start by placing your hands on the mat, and then your feet on the item of choice. You must keep your core engaged so your body keeps a straight line from head to toe. Your arms should be straight but not locked. Slowly bend your elbows lowering your chest to the mat, while keeping your core tight. Then press upwards while continuing to keep core engaged.
Do: try 3 sets of 10 reps
MEN’S PUSHUP (advanced level)
Start in a plank position with your arms straight and hands directly below shoulders on your mat. Your body should be in a straight line from your head to your toes (some of us have a protruding booty, so it will not look straight, when it actually is 🙄). Keep your core engaged and do not let your hips dip into a sagging position (no camel back). Slowly bend your elbows and lower your chest to the mat, keeping your core engaged. Then press upwards back into your plank position while also lifting up with the core.
Do: 3 sets of 10 reps
BALL PUSHUP: (super advanced)
Find a medicine ball. This exercise will really target the core, so you must make sure you can keep it engaged the entire time, as to protect your lower back. Start by placing your hands on the ball, and then your feet on the mat. You must keep your core engaged and your body in a straight line from head to toe. Your arms should be straight but not locked. Slowly bend your elbows lowering your chest to the mat, while keeping your core tight. Then press upwards while continuing to keep core engaged. The ball is mobile, so it is extremely important to keep your body strong, tight and engaged.
Do: try 2 sets of 10 reps
So now that you know “how to do a pushup” and “why you should do a pushup”, YOU need to incorporate them into your workout routine. It is not just an arm, chest, back or core workout, BUT a body-altering move that will give you the strength in your upper body and core. Then get ready to feel STRONG . CONFIDENT . STABLE/BALANCED !
GO FOR IT and pushup to new heights in your workouts!
“Strong is the new sexy!”
Clothing: Leggings by Athleta, Bra top by Lululemon, Top by GapFit, Watch by Apple Watch
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