Do you get on the treadmill, elliptical, bike, etc and do the same thing the entire time and wonder why you do not lose weight?
Would you like to take your cardio routine from “good” to a serious fat burning workout?
Then get ready for a quicker, more effective, fat burning, cardio workout. The best workout to burn fat is HIIT – High Intensity Interval Training. This workout below, I designed will get you moving from one piece of cardio equipment to the floor, then back to the cardio equipment. No more mind-numbing cardio workout with few calories burned. This workout can amp up your metabolism and reduce the fat mass of your body. Why does this work? These short, intense intervals have been shown to speed up your metabolism, hence more fat 🔥 burning!
Don’t miss Christie’s favorite post-workout recipe below too! ⬇️
Read this article below if you need more convincing on why you need to amp up your cardio with HIIT! Already convinced, head on down below for the workout!
“HIIT, or high-intensity interval training, is a training technique in which you give all-out, one hundred percent effort through quick, intense bursts of exercise, followed by short, sometimes active, recovery periods. This type of training gets and keeps your heart rate up and burns more fat in less time. “A high-intensity workout increases the body’s need for oxygen during the effort and creates an oxygen shortage, causing your body to ask for more oxygen during recovery,” says Eric Salvador, NASM, NSCA, head instructor at The Fhitting Room in New York City. “This afterburn effect is referred to as excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) and is the reason why intense exercise will help burn more fat and calories than regular aerobic and steady-state workouts.”
Increases Your Metabolism. Combing high intensity with interval training results in EPOC, which speeds your metabolic rate and “translates into a metabolism boost for up to 48 hours after a complete HIIT routine,” says Salvador. This means you’ll still be burning fat even after you’ve left the gym.
Quick and Convenient. Long gone are the days of not having enough time for exercise. HIIT workouts can be done anywhere: at home, in a hotel room, in a park, at the beach, etc. And most are 30 minutes or less! Who can’t spare that?” by DailyBurn.com
Fat Burning Workout
- Pick your piece of cardio equipment. Like the treadmill, elliptical, bike, rowing machine, whatever your prefer . . . you can even do this outside and choose running/sprinting.
DO: 1️⃣alternating 30 seconds on cardio equipment + 2️⃣30 seconds floor exercise. Follow the numbers below for sequence and you choose the intensity depending on your fitness level. Level 1 is more moderate, while level 2 is more intense.
TIP: be careful when stepping off cardio equipment, so you do not fall and keep your distance back from treadmill if you keep it moving while off.
CARDIO Equipment Options or any other equipment you choose
▶️Treadmill: very fast walking (level 1) or running (level 2) Looking to purchase a treadmill? Link here for a very extensive and informative treadmill review!
▶️Biking or spin bike: staying seated (level 1) or alternate booty off the seat (level 2)
▶️Elliptical Machine: steady pace (level 1) or “running” using arms too (level 2)
FLOOR Exercises (follow the routine below, alternating with your cardio)
1️⃣30 seconds cardio
2️⃣SQUAT & JUMP 30 seconds
▶️30 seconds slow cardio
3️⃣30 seconds cardio
▶️30 seconds slow cardio
5️⃣30 seconds cardio
6️⃣SKATERS 30 seconds
▶️30 seconds slow cardio
7️⃣30 seconds cardio
8️⃣SCISSOR KICKS 30 seconds
▶️30 seconds slow cardio
9️⃣30 seconds cardio
🔟HIGH KNEES 30 seconds
▶️30 seconds slow cardio
⤴️REPEAT the entire workout: 1️⃣time for Beginner Level 2️⃣times for Intermediate Level 3️⃣times for Advanced Level
YOU DID IT! AWESOME! You should be in a full sweat, heart rate accelerated, with major fat burning going on, NOW it’s time to replenish and re-load your body with a nutritious and delicious protein snack.
Christie’s Favorite Protein Snack: Chocolate/PB Protein Shake (it tastes so delicious, you won’t believe it’s nutritious!)
1 c. almond milk
1 scoop protein powder
1 T. cacao
1 T. Organic PBFit (this will be your new favorite food item)
1 tsp. Organic Coconut Oil
1 frozen banana (if not frozen, I add a few ice cubes)
1 tsp. chia seeds
DIRECTIONS: Place all ingredients into a blender, (my favorite and most efficient item is my Magic Bullet) and blend until smooth. Pour into glass, drink and enjoy, knowing your body is getting the protein it needs after your intense workout without destroying the fat burning.
✅Links to my favorites!
Organic PBfit
Organic Coconut Oil
Magic Bullet
Christie, “your personal trainer to help you Get Fit & Stay Fit”
This site contains occasional affiliate links (like Amazon Affiliates) to better serve you in finding the products to assist you in your Fit Life. I do receive commission on the sale of these products, yet the prices are not any higher. I will ONLY recommend products that I use and feel will be beneficial to my readers. You can always trust me to give an honest opinion that will bring you helpful advice with encouraging content.
Aloha… great … looks sooo good. Will try recipe … yummy🌺
Aloha! When you get home you’ll have to try it, and I think you’ll love it!