Are YOU wanting to lose some extra pounds before summer gets here? ⛱
Do YOU get frustrated and bored with the same cardio workout, but want to lose weight and tone up? 👍
Then YOU are ready for the FitFabForever Summer Slimdown Series !!! 😊
Each week I will be showing YOU exercises that can be done at home or on the road to burn calories and also eat clean idea’s so YOU will be ready for summer! It is less than 2 months away before summer, so let me help YOU get ready for swimsuits 👙 , shorts, sleeveless shirts & dresses! You might feel confused and frustrated about the best way to torch calories and burn away excess fat, so let me help you find some of the best exercises to give you the biggest bang for you buck! When you exercise, it is nice to know that the exercises you are doing will truly make a difference when you are trying to lose some weight and tone up. So, let me show you some of the highest calorie torching /fat burning exercises that will get YOU ready for summer and tone you up!
Turn your regular CARDIO into a fat melting 💥 muscle toning 💪 workout!

“take biking to a new level”
BIKE RIDE . (500 calories burned in 35 minutes) This can be done inside or outside, but if you go outside you will get the best fat burning workout if there are hills. Also, I suggest bringing a sports bag with sunscreen (this is my favorite sunscreen) and take your cell phone too in case of an emergency! Break up your bike movements with approximately 3 minute intervals. Starting with : 1. warm up 2. standing climb (booty off the seat) 3. seated climb (hills preferred) 4. standing climb 5. seated climb (hills preferred) 6. sprints 7. standing climb 8. seated climb (hills preferred) 9. sprint 10. standing climb 11. sprint

“best overall body workouts”
KETTLEBELL SWING . (500 calories burned in 30 minutes) The kettlebell is an awesome piece of equipment to burn excess fat while toning your body. Do each move for about 2 minutes. 1. warm up first with kettelbell double swing, holding the bell with both hands and feet hip width apart, knees slightly bent, bring the bell between your legs and swing up to chest level and return, keeping your core tight the entire time. 2. jumping jacks 3. single arm kettle bell swing 4. running in place with high knees 5. double arm swing 6. jumping jacks 7. single arm swings Repeat the entire set.

“can do anywhere workout”
STAIR CLIMBING . (500 calories burned in 40 minutes) You can do this workout inside on a stair climber, inside stairs or even go outside and enjoy the nice weather if you have a place with stairs, maybe a hotel, school bleachers, office building, etc. If you are outside, make sure you bring your insulated water bottle to keep you hydrated and cool! Do each move for about 2 minutes . 1. warm up with easy climb 2. increase to moderate level intensity climb 3. go as fast as you can climb 4. slow pace climb for recovery 5. walking lunges 6. moderate level climb 7. high level climb 8. walking lunges 9. moderate level climb 10. high level climb 10. walking lunges. Repeat the entire set.

“get sunscreen & kick board ready”
SWIMMING . (500 calories burned in 45 minutes) If you have access to a pool , I highly recommend taking your workout to the water. Grab a kick board and get ready to kick away the fat and tone your arms, abs and legs. Don’t forget sunscreen and good polarized sunglasses! 😎 Do each interval holding the kick board when doing laps and for about 5 minutes. 1. frog kick 2. flutter kick 3. kick as hard as you can, any stroke 4. slow recovery kicks 5. run in place with high knees 6. frog kick as fast as you can 7. flutter kicks 8. kick as hard as you can, any stroke 9. slow recovery kicks (Coming soon for summer is my FitFabForever pool workouts🌊 , you won’t believe the workout you will get with just a few pieces of equipment in the water . . . YOU will love it! 💗 )
🔥 Get ready to add these BODY WEIGHT EXERCISES
to your workouts for MAJOR calorie burn! 🔥
When you are doing your weight training or regular cardio workouts and want to torch some extra calories for fat burning, incorporate some of these body weight moves into your workout! Do you need some workout ideas, link here for many workout routines?
HIGH KNEES SPRINT . (Burns 12 calories / minute ) Run in place as fast as you can, bringing your knees up high. Your arms should be moving with each step in a powerful & strong swing.
SPEED SKATERS . (Burns 13 calories / minute ) Just like it sounds, you pretend you are skating from one side to another. Jump to the right side, keeping knees bent, bring the left foot to meet the right foot but try not to touch the foot to the ground, then immediately jump to the left side and try to keep the right foot from touching the ground.
JUMP SWITCH & LUNGE . (Burns 12 calories / minute ) Stand in a lunge position, bend your knees to 90 degrees, then jump as high as you can while swinging the arms overhead, then land with the opposite foot forward in a lunge.
SQUAT JACK . (Burns 11 calories / minute ) Drop into a squat position, bringing your hands in front of you with bent elbows, jump your feet wide straightening arms and legs to make a jumping jack, then lower back into a squat.
BURPEE . (Burns 8 calories / minute ) From standing position, bend knees and place hands-on the floor, jumping feet back to plank position, then bring knees back to chest and jump up extending hands overhead into a upright jump.
I promise if YOU incorporate these cardio burning workouts each week and the body weight exercises to your regular workouts YOU are going to lose weight, get flatter abs and toned body at the SUMMER SLIMDOWN SERIES!
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Getting ready for traveling ..
That is always a great time to motivate for working out . . .and you can do almost all of these exercises on my blog while traveling too!