Let me help YOU take away the excuses for thinking that it’s too difficult to workout while you travel, or worry that you do not have access to a gym. Many times we just need to look out our window 👀 to see the opportunity to get a great workout in! Do you live in a city or plan on traveling to a new city soon? Great, I have an easy workout for you to do! Do you live near a park 🏞 or when you travel is there a park near you? Great, I have an easy workout for you to do! Sometimes we just need to think outside the box (or shall I say the gym) to get your exercise done! ✅ Or maybe where you live the weather is getting nicer outside ☀️ and you want to get a great workout in, but just don’t know what to do besides going on the treadmill. Let me show you a FREE, EASY and FAT BURNING WORKOUT you can do anywhere !

” walking, running, biking, etc. trails and much more to make your trip healthier & easier “
NASHVITALITY APP: I found this app when I traveled to Nashville and I thought it was fabulous! I was staying in downtown Nashville (a bit cold and gloomy, but still enjoyed getting outside) and this app showed me great walking/running/biking trails and that is just the beginning of what this app can do. There are so many cities now that have easy access apps or just the internet alone, can give you trails maps and parks that are close to where you are staying, so you can get a great workout done and see the city at the same time! So pack your travel FIT bag with all your things, especially your water bottle and hit the road! 👍”The places we live, work, learn, worship and play shape our habits, and our habits shape our health. We are what we eat: if junk food surrounds us, we will eat junk food; and if we put healthy food within reach, we eat better. Physical activity is essential to health, and we move more when we have convenient, safe, inviting places to be active. We will live longer, healthier lives when we surround ourselves with healthy choices and weave opportunities for healthy living into our communities. NashVitality celebrates the spirit that is creating healthy, active communities everywhere in Nashville. Mayor Dean’s leadership in challenging Nashvillians to walk, to run, to play, and to get more familiar with all the healthy places in our city calls on us all to catch the spirit.” by Nashvitality

” you see a sidewalk, I see a workout ready to begin “
WALK/RUN/SPRINTS: (a.k.a H.I.I.T. Workout) Look for a long sidewalk, big grassy area or any kind of walkway that you have room to exercise on. 🏃 Depending on your fitness level, you can incorporate walking, running and sprinting into this exercise. Wear a watch (I prefer my Apple Watch) as you will want to time yourself while performing this segment. You can warm up by walking, jumping rope or even mountain climbers for 2 to 3 minutes. This should be an intensity level of 3 to 4, with 10 being the highest intensity. Then you will bring your intensity level up to a 8 to 9 by either walking as fast as you can or by running or sprinting for 1 minute on, then 1 minute lower intensity (back to 3 to 4 level) . Continue to do this high level intensity for 1 minute, then follow with a low level intensity for 1 minute for a total of 8 times = 16 minutes total. Finish with a slow walk for 1 to 2 minutes bringing your heart rate back to normal. The total time will be approximately 20 minutes.

” those aren’t just stairs, they are a cardio, lower, upper body, fat burning workout “
STAIRS: (Cardio, Lower Body and/or Upper Body Workout) Finding stairs is really much easier than you might think. 🏢 In your home. In the park. In the hotel stairwell. In your office building. There are so many exercise’s that you can do with stairs. If you do not have stairs at home, this is a great at home step to use for a stair workout. Cardio: you can run up and down stairs (just be careful with your footing, so yo do not trip) which will bring your heart rate up quite quickly and you will also get an excellent lower body workout too. Many people do not incorporate stairs into their workouts, yet this small addition can make a big difference to adding variety to your workouts and using your leg muscles in a completely different way. Lower Body: lunges are an excellent way to target your quads (thigh muscles), glutes (booty), calves and hamstrings. Start by facing the stairs and place your front foot on the top stair and back foot on the ground and lunge, you will feel your muscles working much harder than a regular lunge. Now turn around and have your back to the stairs and place your back foot on the stair and your front foot on the ground. Again this slight elevation will give your muscles a different challenge. Upper Body: believe it or not, you can use the stairs for some upper body workouts too. Pushups can become easier by placing your hands on the stair and your feet on the ground. The slight upper body elevation will make this move slightly easier. If you want more of a challenge, you can place you feet up on the stair and your hands on the ground, while this slight elevation makes it more difficult for your upper body. Now turn around and have your back towards the stairs and place your hands on the stair (with fingertips facing away from the stair) and your feet on the ground and do a tricep dip. The stairs can be a great “gym” for every part of your body!

” a fabulous way to see the sights “
BIKE RIDING: Who doesn’t love to ride a bike? 🚴 I think this is one of the greatest ways to see a city and get some sort of exercise in too! I did a fabulous city bike tour in Copenhagen in September and it was such a fun way to see the city, as you can cover so much more area than when you are walking and you get a bit of exercise in too! Now depending on how far you go and what speed you are riding your bike, will determine the level of exercise you are getting. You can increase and decrease the intensity throughout your ride and by adding hills you will target you lower body too! In all my travels lately, I have noticed so many cities (NYC FIT Travel and Chicago FIT Travel have great bike rentals in the city) that offer an easy way to rent a bike and see the city and trails to follow along so you know where to go, bathroom locations, restaurants and mileage for distance. So, next time you are in a city look for bike rentals to get around town, it’s a nice way to exercise, it’s cheap and it’s a lot more fun than taking a cab or trying to drive yourself and then finding parking.

” the local events always creates great memories, like the Nashville Predators “
SPECIAL EVENTS: Every city has something special to offer and exploring the sights and entertainment always make the visit more memorable. You end up taking a little piece of the city home with you, by experiencing the local flavor and festivities! Now, for our family if the city has an NHL team to go watch 🏒, that is always one of our favorite things to do! This is a definite favorite when we go to NYC, as it’s a must for us to go watch the NY Rangers play. I love to seek, explore and enjoy all that every city has to offer no matter what the size of the city is. From starting out the day with a great workout (hopefully outside so I can really take in the local feel) then exploring the city (most times by walking or biking) to finishing the day with a local event. Check the local papers, get online or talk to the locals about the great things to do in and around the city! If you can keep your workouts going while traveling, and see some sights, you are going to go home feeling better and more refreshed.
Now if you are traveling for business, I always recommend an early morning workout or early evening workout after work, depending on the weather and daylight, to get some fresh air ☀️ and alleviate the strains of work, even if it’s just for 30 minutes. You will feel more refreshed, get a chance to see some of the city sights and get your blood pumping ❣️ for more clarity for your day!
This site contains occasional affiliate links (like Amazon Affiliates) to better serve you in finding the products to assist you in your Fit Life. I do receive commission on the sale of these products, yet the prices are not any higher. I will ONLY recommend products that I use and feel will be beneficial to my readers. You can always trust me to give an honest opinion that will bring you helpful advice with encouraging content.
I love your blog… motivating, encouraging, and helpful. You help us see that every movement is a chance to exercise and tone. Instead of parking a car close to.shops, walk more steps. Thank you.
Barb, I so appreciate your wonderfully kind words and I am so pleased to hear that my blog is encouraging, that is what I love to do, is motivate women! 😊 And yes walk when we can !