Did you know drinking water can help YOU loose weight?
Don’t we all need help with that, especially during the holiday season? Plus, there are many other awesome benefits to your body for drinking plenty of water, so don’t miss out on this simple tip to greater health!
Did you know scientists found that drinking two eight-ounce glasses of water prior to your meals can help suppress appetite and help support your weight loss efforts? When you drink water, it fills your stomach and reduces the tendency to eat more; therefore, YOU can curb your appetite to prevent overeating! And during the holiday season, we can all have tendency to do that! Also, by drinking water, it can help control calories when you substitute water for other beverages. What works best with weight loss is when you choose water or a non-caloric beverages over a caloric beverage and also eating a diet higher in water-rich foods that are healthier and more filling, all will help you trim your calorie intake. Also, if you do decide to have an alcoholic beverage, view my list of lower calorie beverage choices to limit your calorie intake!
So, 30 minutes before every meal, I suggest you drink two full 8 ounce glasses of water, and YOU should find you will not be as hungry during your meal and also feel more satisfied. Also, many times during the day, we think we are hungry when actually we are dehydrated, so always start with a glass of water and wait 15 minutes before eating. If you are still hungry after that time, then go ahead and eat . . . . . . but you will be surprised how many times when you drink the water, your “hunger” pains was actually thirst pains!
Remember to also eat foods with high water content as they tend to look larger, as its higher volume requires more chewing, and it is absorbed more slowly by the body, which helps you feel full. Water-rich foods include fruits, vegetables, broth-based soups, oatmeal, and beans. Remember that alcohol, juices, sugary fizzy drinks and sodas often contribute to weight gain, so try to keep consumption in moderation.
Maintain Fluids / Energize Cells
Drinking water will help maintain the balance of your bodily fluids, as your body is composed of 60% water. Plus, it helps increase the rate at which the body burns fat, and promotes the breakdown and elimination of fat cells. Consuming water will also help energize your muscles. This is so important as cells that don’t maintain their balance of fluids and electrolytes shrivel, which can result in muscle fatigue. And when muscle cells do not have adequate fluids, they will not work as well and your workouts can suffer.
Relieves Fatigue
Many times when YOU feel tired, there is a great chance that it could be due to inadequate consumption of water which makes the body function less efficiently. Actually, fatigue is one of the first signs of dehydration! When YOU have less water in your body, there is a drop of blood volume which causes the heart to work harder to pump oxygenated blood, and other major organs will also work less efficiently. Therefore, drinking enough water can help your body function better and reduce fatigue.
Improves Mood
Research indicates that mild dehydration (even one or two percent lower hydration level than optimal) can negatively affect your mood and ability to think. So drink water throughout the day to help YOU think clearer and keep a small on your face!😊
Flushes Out Toxins
Water is a great way to detox, as it helps flush out toxins from your body and get rid of waste primarily through sweat and urine. Water in the body also helps regulate your body temperature. The thermal properties of water and its ability to release heat from your body when you sweat evaporates from the surface of your skin to help maintain an even body temperature. A well-regulated body temperature also will make you feel more energetic when exercising. Water will also help keep your joints and muscles stay lubricated, thus preventing cramps and sprains.
Healthier Skin
Drinking enough water will keep the body well hydrated and improve capillary blood flow, which promotes healthier and younger-looking skin. Water helps replenish your skin tissues, moisturizes your skin and increases the elasticity in your skin. When the body gets enough water, your skin will feel moisturized and in turn will look fresh, soft, glowing and smooth. Also, ample water helps prevent and treat soft lines, acne, wrinkles and other aging symptoms.
Here’s how to keep yourself hydrated: Begin by drinking a glass of water ( and lemon slice/juice for detoxing too) as soon as you wake up, and 15 to 30 minutes before eating any meal. As, this will help control appetite and give YOU the feeling of being full before you begin to eat. Try to get in the habit of keeping a water bottle with YOU at all times.
And when YOU are exercising: follow the American College of Sports Medicine guidelines for fluid intake before and during physical activity. These guidelines recommend that people drink about 17 ounces of fluid about two hours before exercise. During exercise, they recommend that people start drinking fluids early, and drink them at regular intervals to replace fluids lost by sweating.
SO DRINK UP to your health and weight loss !
Yes, drink water before every meal to help you replenish fluids and control eating! It’s an easy and healthy tip!